Bebop’s Turnings, what an odd name you might say. I am a retired grandpa whose grandkids call him “Bebop.” The name was actually chosen in honor of my wife’s grandparents who were known as Boppy and Memaw, but I liked to harass them and call them Bebop and Memop — and well, it stuck!I turned my first piece over 35 years ago and never did anything else until a few years ago. As I was planing to retire, I started re-tooling my shop. With that came a replacement of my 35 year old, barely used, lathe. I replaced it with a Jet 1221VS. Then I took a bowl turning class at Woodcraft and fell in love with turning.My goal with this site is to share my turning journey. I will post things I learn and projects that I am proud of. I hope you find the site useful!
Contact Info: [email protected]